STD Screening Treatment

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STD Screening & Diagnosis

STD Screening & Diagnosis

What Is an STD?

A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a highly contagious infection that is passed from person to person via sexual contact, such as oral, vaginal and anal sex. Some infections like HPV (human papillomavirus) and herpes can also be transmitted via skin-to-skin contact. Others are transmitted through infected blood and fluids from blood transfusion, sharing of needles, sometimes even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

STDs can be painful, unsightly and even result in long-term health issues if left untreated, but thankfully most are easily treated if promptly detected through regular STD screening in Singapore.

What Causes STDs?

STDs are caused by a bacterial or viral infection that is transmitted via sexual or intimate contact. The following activities can increase one’s risk of catching an STD:

  1. Having unprotected sex
  2. Having multiple sexual partners
  3. Not wearing a condom or improperly using a condom
  4. Frequently engaging in one-night stands or enlisting paid sexual services
  5. Sharing needles or syringes
  6. Drug or alcohol abuse that impairs judgment, leading to risky sexual behavior
  7. Mother-to-infant transmission via pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

As there are many different diseases that can be transmitted via sexual contact, we provide individualized advice on STD testing based on each patient’s unique situation.

What are the Symptoms of an STD?

The symptoms of an STD will depend on the type of the infection and its severity. The most common symptoms include:

  1. Unusual or foul-smelling discharge from the vagina or penis
  2. Abnormal bleeding from the vagina
  3. Redness and itching in the genitals
  4. Sores, warts, rashes, ulcers and blisters in the genital, rectal or mouth area
  5. Burning sensation during urination or painful urination
  6. Painful intercourse
  7. Lower abdominal pain
  8. Fever and chills
  9. Swollen lymph nodes

Some STDs do not present with any symptoms, especially in making them more dangerous and further increasing their chances of being passed to others. To protect yourself and others, make sure to get tested at your STD screening clinic in Singapore if you suspect yourself of having STD.

What is an STD Test / STD Screening?

STD screening in Singapore is a medical examination that checks for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This usually involves urine tests, blood tests, and physical examinations.

Why Should You Get Tested for STDs?

Getting tested for STDs is crucial for your sexual and overall health. Many STDs can be asymptomatic initially, meaning they do not show any obvious symptoms in the early stages. Without an STD test, you might unknowingly spread the infection to others. Untreated STDs can also increase the risk of developing serious health complications such as infertility, cancer, and an increased risk of HIV.

Regular STD testing allows you to detect infections earlier on, and embark on effective treatment promptly before any complications arise. People who are at higher risk of contracting an STD should get tested and screened in a timely and regular manner. Our STD screening clinic in Singapore provides a comprehensive range of tests in a private and supportive setting.

What are the most commonly screened STDs?

  1. HIV
  2. Syphilis
  3. Herpes
  4. Hepatitis
  5. Chlamydia
  6. Gonorrhea
  7. NSU (Non-Specific Urethritis)
  8. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

For accurate results, a detailed history and examination by Dr Tan at our STD clinic will be conducted before the painless screening.

STD screenings are usually painless, and use the following sampling methods:

  1. Throat
  2. Rectal
  3. Vaginal
  4. Urine
  5. Semen

It is important to note that STDs do not resolve by themselves. A good STD screening program takes into account the patient’s specific situation and requirements and uses this situation to tailor the necessary tests for that individual patient.

Detailed symptom analysis and examination

Quick results for peace of mind

Targeted screening for maximum efficacy

FAQs About STD in Singapore

How are STD tests performed?
What are the most common STDs in Singapore?
How long does it take for the STD test results to be available?
Which types of STDs can be cured?
What do I need to prepare before going for an STD test or screening?

STD Treatment

STD Treatment

We give comprehensive advice on STD treatments required as well as expedited partner therapy and close follow-ups to ensure eradication of the infection.

Not all STDs manifest with symptoms. Very often, STDs are only detected via screening. If a patient has been diagnosed, there are several considerations:

  1. Treatment of current infection

    The actual treatment required depends on the particular STD diagnosed. Most of the time, the STD treatment in Singapore will be in the form of tablets and/or injections.
  2. Ensuring that the infection has been eradicated

    Commonly known as a “test of cure”, this is performed after a specified time to ensure that the infection has been completely cleared from the body.
  3. Preventing or minimizing recurrences

    Some STDs such as Herpes, HPV warts, Syphilis and Hepatitis B are known to be recurring. As such, it is important that strategies be taken to prevent the rate of recurrence.
  4. Partner testing and therapy

    Testing and treating sexual partners is a key component of managing an STD infection. This breaks the chain of infection and re-infection due to exposure to the same partner.
  5. Preventing or minimizing the risk of re-infection

    Strategies to minimize the risk of re-infection include the correct and consistent use of condoms, vaccination and tablets taken before or after high risk exposures that can minimize the risk of certain STDs and also HIV.

Non-invasive and targeted treatments

Overcome infections with minimal disruption

One-stop center to overcome STDs

STD Vaccination

STD Vaccination

Vaccination is an effective and cost-efficient method to protect oneself from infectious diseases.

The 2 STDs that one can be vaccinated against are:

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

HPV is the commonest STD in the world. It is transmitted via any form of skin-to-skin sexual contact. Therefore, even correct and consistent use of condoms does not provide complete protection from HPV. HPV infection in women can lead to cervical cancer and warts. In men, HPV infection leads to wart and anal cancer.

There are currently several vaccines available for HPV. However, some protect against more strains of HPV compared to others.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is transmitted via body fluids, sexual activity and also transmitted from the mother to the child in the womb. It is endemic in Singapore and many people carry the Hepatitis B virus.

All Singaporeans get vaccinated against Hepatitis B during childhood. However, this protection may fade away in adulthood. A simple blood test can determine if a person still has the protection or not.

Getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B also confers some protection against Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is also a sexually transmitted infection and is also commonly spread through sharing of contaminated needles.

Updated vaccines to cover more strains

Peace of mind with pre-emptive protection

15 years of experience in screening, treatment & vaccination

“Every patient deserves our fullest attention.”

If you have any queries, please contact us at 6513 0359 or use the contact form below.

Dr Tan Medical Centre

10 Sinaran Drive #09-30, Novena Medical Centre, Singapore 307506

Tel: (+65) 6513 0359 WhatsApp: (+65) 9750 5037

Operating Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays